Mick Czarnecki Games
Larger projects
Small prototypes
PVP | Hotseat | Mobile
Curve your projectiles on gravity fields to knock your opponents into space. The goal was to explore the mobile publishing pipeline.
Modular weapon solution
Custom gravity
Health & Damage
Unlockables & progression
Save & Load progress between versions
Camerawork and group object tracking
Full UI - with screen ratio scaling
Mobile input handling
Team | Level Design | Programming
Explore and escape from a steampunk factory where different metals create different physics based challenges
Metal physical properties simulation and implementation
Heat transmission
current transmition
crushing damage
System tutorialisation
Puzzle design
Team | Rhythm | GameJam entry
Recruit the citizens of Hell to form the most epic band the underworld has ever seen to impress the Devil so you can go back to living.
Linear dialogue
Music encoding and decoding
HTTPS requests for
score-tables* -
UI implementation
* the highscore database is a free
external resource
User research and profiling
UX and UI design
User driven design
Complex mobile inputs - pinch, zoom, rotate detection
Mobile performance optimization
Casual | City builder | Mobile
Runtime NavMesh editing
RTS control scheme
AI control and NavMesh moving
Procedural map generation
Health and damage handling
Resource gathering system
RTS | GameJam entry
Tower defense game on a procedurally generated hexagonal map, where gathering resources opens up new paths for your enemies to attack from
UI design and implementation
Economy system
Hexagonal grid handling & snapping
Recursive parameter propagation
enemy AI
Survive in Neon Lights
Team | Rhythm | GameJam entry
Tower defense where your towers are only active
every few moments, helpless otherwise. Expand strategically over the randomly generated terrain and survive.